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Reviewing Azure SQL DB Internals for Hints at SQL Server 2025

Brent Ozar does some digging:

Microsoft staff used to say that Azure SQL DB is “the next version” of the boxed product, meaning that Microsoft tested, tweaked, and proved new features in the cloud while they could still rapidly iterate over code, shipping updates to make the product more reliable and scalable. In practice, that’s not entirely true: some things never leave the cloud, and some things actually ship to SQL Server long before they’re available up in Azure SQL DB.

Today, we’re going to go through documented & undocumented system objects that are available up in the cloud today (March 2025), but keep in mind that some of these may be cloud-only. I’m just dumping out the list of Azure SQL DB objects that aren’t present in SQL Server 2022 CU17.

Read on for those sets, with the caveat that not all of this may necessarily be in SQL Server 2025.

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