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Continuous Integration vs Continuous Delivery

Bravin Wasike disambiguates two terms:

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are fundamental to DevOps and agile methodologies. They ensure that software is developed, tested, and delivered quickly and efficiently. CI and CD are more than just trending buzzwords. They are crucial processes that help teams deliver quality software at a high velocity. Understanding CI and CD is essential for anyone involved in software development or operations.

In this two-part series, we will demystify continuous integration vs. continuous delivery. In this part 1 article, we will discuss the basic concepts involved in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. The article will highlight primary objectives of CI/CD, their benefits, CI/CD tools examples, key differences between CI and CD and real-world examples of CI/CD.

Read the whole thing. The way I quickly summarize continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment is as follows:

  • Continuous integration: you check in code and the build process automatically runs tests to make sure all is well.
  • Continuous delivery: you check in code and, after the continuous integration process automatically runs tests, the continuous delivery process automatically builds the project and makes it available for push-button deployment.
  • Continuous deployment: you check in code and, after the continuous integration process automatically runs tests, the continuous deployment process automatically builds the project and deploys it. No human needs to be involved after check-in if all goes well.
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