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Transferring CLR Binaries from SQL Server to Azure SQL Managed Instance

Mihailo Joksimovic shows a use case for Azure SQL Managed Instance link:

Azure SQL Managed Instance link is a new feature enabling you to create a distributed availability group between your SQL Server and Azure SQL Managed Instance. It makes it super simple to connect on-prem. and cloud, providing near real-time replication speeds. Benefits are many and if you aren’t familiar, I’d strongly suggest you read our official blog post about it.

One great benefit for our use-case is that MI Link takes care of transferring the CLR assemblies for you! You can import your assemblies on your SQL Server instance, using all too familiar syntax (i.e. CREATE ASSEMBLY FROM ‘C:\path\to\assembly.dll’), and MI link will ensure that those same assemblies get transferred to cloud. Easy peasy and no need to deal with hex literals anymore.

Read on to learn more about this capability.