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Rounding Options in T-SQL

Rick Dobson talks rounding:

Please compare the SQL Server round function to banker’s rounding in T-SQL for converting decimal values to integer values. I seek a framework for assessing how closely banker’s rounding results versus SQL Server Round function results match the underlying decimal values. Please provide a couple of empirical comparisons with the framework to indicate which set of rounded values are closer to the underlying decimals and by how much.

Rick talks about what banker’s rounding is and shows how its results adhere more closely to the underlying distribution. Rick does show a user-defined function that generates a rounded number, but if you’re doing this with large enough amounts of data, using CLR and the System.Math.Round() function will likely give you better performance. Incidentally, this is also why if you write T-SQL code to round decimal numbers and .NET code to round numbers, your results may be a little different: T-SQL rounds to the nearest integer, whereas .NET uses banker’s rounding by default.