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Searching Industry Templates for Lake Databases in Synapse

Lakshmi Murthy is just browsing:

With Azure Synapse Database Templates generally available, our customers are constantly wanting to see and learn more about how to use these templates. Through these blogs we want to share tips and tricks our customers can use to help them utilize these templates in an efficient way. We’ve recently received several questions around the different ways a user can navigate these templates to create their lake databases. In this blog, I’d like to walk through a few options that may come handy as you give database templates a try.

Azure Synapse Analytics offers a no-code database designer which allows you to browse these database templates, select and customize the tables you want to use, to model your enterprise data. There are several ways to browse the tables provided by the comprehensive industry templates within the designer’s exploration experience. Though the user experience is super intuitive, there are a few tips and tricks that can make this process even easier. Let’s do a quick tour to learn about the different ways to browse these templates.

Click through for a few different ways to look at standard tables for different industries.