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Using Have I Been Pwned In R

Maelle Salmon shows us how to use the HIBPwned library in R:

The alternative title of this blog post is HIBPwned version 0.1.7 has been released! W00t!. Steph’s HIBPwned package utilises the API to check whether email addresses and/or user names have been present in any publicly disclosed data breach. In other words, this package potentially delivers bad news, but useful bad news!

This release is mainly a maintenance release, with some cool code changes invisible to you, the user, but not only that: you can now get account_breaches for several accounts in a data.frame instead of a list, and you’ll be glad to know that results are cached inside an active R session. You can read about more functionalities of the package in the function reference.

Wouldn’t it be a pity, though, to echo the release notes without a nifty use case? Another blog post will give more details about the technical aspects of the release, but here, let’s make you curious! How many CRAN package maintainers have been pwned?

Read on to find out that answer.