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Month: February 2025

Automating V-Order Optimization in Microsoft Fabric

Miles Cole writes a script:

I’ve previously blogged in detail about V-Order optimization. In this post, I want to revisit the topic and demonstrate how V-Order can be strategically enabled in a programmatic fashion.

Since V-Order provides the most benefit and consistent improvement for Direct Lake Semantic Models, why not leverage platform metadata to enable it automatically—but only for Delta tables used by these models?

This will be a short blog—let’s get straight to the concept, the source code, and then move on to more strategic use of this feature.

Click through for the process and an explanation of what’s happening in the accompanying Gist.

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Running a Microsoft Fabric Notebook from ADO via Service Principal

Kevin Chant needs a service principal to help:

In this post I want to share one way that you can authenticate as a service principal to run a Microsoft Fabric notebook from Azure DevOps.

Some of you may recall that I previously covered how to run a Microsoft Fabric notebook from Azure DevOps.

I decided to published a newer version of the aforementioned post to amplify the fact that the REST API that runs a notebook on demand now supports service principals.

Service principals are the way to go for this, so long as you’re having one Azure-based service communicate with another Azure-based service. No passwords, no API keys, nothing you need to remember or change every 90 days.

The problem is, this works beautifully for assets inside of Azure, but not so much outside of Azure. But that’s a story for a different day.

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Multi-Storage Array Database Snapshots in SQL Server

Anthony Nocentino continues a series:

In this post, the fourth in our series, I want to share an example demonstrating SQL Server 2022’s T-SQL Snapshot Backup feature in a scenario where a database spans multiple storage arrays. If you’re dealing with multi-array environments, you’ll appreciate how this technique freezes database write I/O to take coordinated snapshots across volumes on two FlashArrays. In this post, I’ll walk you through the process, point out some of the script’s key elements, and show you how long the write I/O pause takes.

Click through to learn how it all works when you have a database spanning multiple volumes.

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