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Month: February 2025

Choosing the Right Power BI Canvas

Elena Drakulevska shares some advice:

The same goes for your Power BI report—get the size wrong, and your users will struggle with cluttered visuals, excessive scrolling, or awkward gaps. Or worse, you’ll create a report that looks amazing on your screen but completely breaks when someone else opens it.

Trust me, I’ve seen it—an ultrawide masterpiece designed for the boss’s fancy monitor… except no one else at the company had that monitor.

Yeah, this brings back memories, though in my case, it was that the developers (including me) had wide-screen monitors in 1080p and the people using our product had standard resolutions like 1280×1024 or even 1024×768.

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Billing for SQL Database in Microsoft Fabric

Amar Digamber Patil makes an announcement:

Since SQL database is a native item in Fabric, it utilizes Fabric capacity units like other Fabric workloads. Compute charges apply only when the database is actively used, so you only consume what you need. Storage is billed separately on a monthly basis, as are automatic backups, which are retained for seven days.

Billing for compute usage and data storage for SQL databases in Fabric will commence after February 1st.

Click through for more information, including links to more information regarding billing and monitoring.

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Reducing Query Timeout on DAX and MDX Queries

Chris Webb shuts it down:

The recent announcement of Surge Protection gives Fabric/Power BI capacity admins a way to restrict the impact of background operations on a capacity, preventing them from causing throttling. However, at the time of writing, Surge Protection does not prevent users that are running expensive DAX or MDX queries – which are interactive operations – from causing problems on your capacity. Indeed, right now, there is no direct way to stop runaway queries from consuming a lot of CUs, although there is something you can do which will help a lot: reducing the query timeout.

Read on for information about why Surge Protection doesn’t currently work with DAX and MDX queries, and how you can change the query timeout. This is kind of interesting considering that, outside of the Microsoft Fabric world, we typically move the query timeout higher rather than lower, to deal with long-running queries.

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Object Ownership in Databricks

Chen Hirsh shares a tale of woe:

Have you ever made a change in your system and immediately regretted it? A few weeks ago, I did just that while working with a customer on their Databricks platform. His IT guys made some changes, moving a user to another domain. In Databrick, this is considered a new user, so I added the new user and gave him the same permissions as the old user.

And then, without thinking twice, I deleted the old user from Databricks.

Things did not go well from there. Read on to learn what happened, why, and how to avoid this problem in the future.

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Care and Feeding of System Databases in SQL Server

Stephen Planck reminds us to look at the primary system databases in SQL Server every once in a while:

It’s easy to focus on user databases and overlook the system databases at the core of every SQL Server instance. However, the master, msdb, and model databases form the backbone of your environment. Understanding each database’s specific responsibilities, how to safely customize them, and how to protect them from data loss or corruption is important for maintaining a stable server. In this post we take a look at all three databases to better understand their purposes and proper maintenance.

Click through for some recommendations for each of master, msdb, and model. And please make sure you’re backing these up. Many backup jobs ignore system databases, and that’s not a great situation to be in when you’re trying to rebuild a SQL Server instance because of corruption in the master database.

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SSIS: Operating Completed with Problems Logged

Slava Murygin uses Integration Services to process an Analysis Services cube:

If you process SSAS cubes via SSIS packages you might notice a weird message like “Full Processing:Warning: Server: Operation completed with XXX problems logged.

How you can get that message (if you have that problem):

Slava notes that the simple solution doesn’t actually work, as both services decide not to store that information. But Slava does provide a solution to the problem.

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Git for the Power BI Developer

Paul Turley has a tutorial:

Both Azure DevOps and GitHub are supported Git hosts for Power BI and Fabric workspace integration. I will demonstrate using GitHub rather than Azure DevOps because, it is free for personal use. Getting started with GitHub is quite easy, and anyone can have a free GitHub account. Simply navigate to and sign-up for an account. You may create a personal or organizational account, and your personal account can be associated with multiple organizations.

Click through for the process.

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Automating V-Order Optimization in Microsoft Fabric

Miles Cole writes a script:

I’ve previously blogged in detail about V-Order optimization. In this post, I want to revisit the topic and demonstrate how V-Order can be strategically enabled in a programmatic fashion.

Since V-Order provides the most benefit and consistent improvement for Direct Lake Semantic Models, why not leverage platform metadata to enable it automatically—but only for Delta tables used by these models?

This will be a short blog—let’s get straight to the concept, the source code, and then move on to more strategic use of this feature.

Click through for the process and an explanation of what’s happening in the accompanying Gist.

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Running a Microsoft Fabric Notebook from ADO via Service Principal

Kevin Chant needs a service principal to help:

In this post I want to share one way that you can authenticate as a service principal to run a Microsoft Fabric notebook from Azure DevOps.

Some of you may recall that I previously covered how to run a Microsoft Fabric notebook from Azure DevOps.

I decided to published a newer version of the aforementioned post to amplify the fact that the REST API that runs a notebook on demand now supports service principals.

Service principals are the way to go for this, so long as you’re having one Azure-based service communicate with another Azure-based service. No passwords, no API keys, nothing you need to remember or change every 90 days.

The problem is, this works beautifully for assets inside of Azure, but not so much outside of Azure. But that’s a story for a different day.

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Multi-Storage Array Database Snapshots in SQL Server

Anthony Nocentino continues a series:

In this post, the fourth in our series, I want to share an example demonstrating SQL Server 2022’s T-SQL Snapshot Backup feature in a scenario where a database spans multiple storage arrays. If you’re dealing with multi-array environments, you’ll appreciate how this technique freezes database write I/O to take coordinated snapshots across volumes on two FlashArrays. In this post, I’ll walk you through the process, point out some of the script’s key elements, and show you how long the write I/O pause takes.

Click through to learn how it all works when you have a database spanning multiple volumes.

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