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A Dive into Microsoft Fabric Real-Time Intelligence

Nikola Ilic builds us a guide:

Once upon a time, handling streaming data was considered an avanguard approach. Since the introduction of relational database management systems in the 1970s and traditional data warehousing systems in the late 1980s, all data workloads began and ended with the so-called batch processing. Batch processing relies on the concept of collecting numerous tasks in a group (or batch) and processing these tasks in a single operation. 

On the flip side, there is a concept of streaming data. Although streaming data is still sometimes considered a cutting-edge technology, it already has a solid history. Everything started in 2002, when Stanford University researchers published the paper called “Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems”. However, it wasn’t until almost one decade later (2011) that streaming data systems started to reach a wider audience, when the Apache Kafka platform for storing and processing streaming data was open-sourced. The rest is history, as people say. Nowadays, processing streaming data is not considered a luxury, but a necessity. 

This is all part of a book that Nikola and Ben Weissman are writing, and Nikola has an extended excerpt from the book available for us to read.