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Contrasting Power BI and Power BI Report Server

Soheil Bakhshi makes me sad:

Depending on your organisation’s preferences, data governance requirements, and the platforms you intend to use for report deployment you may use either Power BI Desktop, the “standard version”, or Power BI Desktop RS (Report Server). Power BI Desktop has variations tailored to meet specific needs, such as cloud-based analytics or on-premises reporting. While many users might only encounter the standard version, there’s another important variant for specialised scenarios.

You know the meme where the kid asks, “Mom, I want Power BI!” and mom says, “We have Power BI at home.” Power BI Report Server is Power BI at home, in all of the senses of the joke. I’ve been stuck with it at two employers and although it is better than nothing, you quickly find out how annoying it gets when that thing you know how to do in Power BI Online doesn’t work because they never supported it in PBIRS.