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Configuring Azure Database Watcher

Rod Edwards configures Azure Database Watcher to watch databases in Azure:

First off, at the time of writing, this is still in Preview, and is only for Azure SQL PaaS offerings, namely Azure SQL DB and SQL Managed Instance, so if you’re out of luck if you’re using SQL on VM. Expect this to be added at some point in future, its number 2 on the published roadmap.

Preview or GA…the long and short of it is that it allows collection of performance AND config data into a central datastore for ALL of your SQL MI and Azure DB estate. With all of the data in one place, then dashboards are connected to here for easier estate-wide visualisations.

Read on for a step-by-step guide on configuring it. But also pay attention to Rod’s note near the end that troubleshooting setup is a pain—there aren’t many useful logs that show exactly why it isn’t working.