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Day: October 14, 2024

Capturing Database Object Changes in SQL Server

Sebastiao Pereira creates a trigger:

Data Definition Language (DDL) is a group of SQL statements that can be executed to manage database objects. The idea is to create a database trigger that tracks and logs all changes to database schemas, including modifications to stored procedures, tables, views, and other schema objects and storing any event in one table.

Read on for an example of a database-level trigger. These are much less likely to cause performance problems compared to table-level triggers, though you could certainly cause issues via poor trigger definition.

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Querying Audit Log (.xel) Files in Azure SQL DB

Tanayankar Chakraborty reads an audit log:

A recent issue was brought to our attention that customers could not query .xel log files in an Azure SQL DB using t-sql command. The customers complained that when they ran the command, they received column headers but no content whereas they know that there is content in the logs because they were able to open them with SSMS using Merge Extended Event Files. Here was the T-sql command used by the customer:

select * from sys.fn_get_audit_file (‘*.xel’, NULL, NULL);

Click through for the solution, which came down to two separate issues.

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Contained Availability Groups and Database Mail

Ben Miller points out a gap in functionality:

Call to action for Microsoft. Contained Availability Groups came out in SQL 2022 and they definitely have their use. But there were some artifacts left behind that need some fixing. Namely when you use DBMail while in the Availability Group jobs or operations. Let’s see what there is left.

First, here is the link to the Feedback Item that is out there for voting to get Microsoft to fix this issue. There has already been an issue fixed with the msdb proc to activate dbmail in a Contained AG ([dbo].[sp_sysmail_activate]).

Read on to learn more about the issue.

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Dealing with the Lack of Identity Columns in Microsoft Fabric

Nikola Ilic forges a new identity:

If you’ve ever worked with traditional relational database management systems (RDBMS) and/or data warehouses, and you’re now trying to be a “modern data platform professional” and apply your skills in Microsoft Fabric, you may find yourself in uncharted territory. Not only because of the SaaS-ification of the environment, but also due to many puzzling “solutions”, or maybe it’s better to say – lack of the features that we were taking for granted in the “previous” (pre-Fabric) life.

The goal of this article is to introduce you with different approaches for overcoming the limitation of non-existency of the identity columns in Microsoft Fabric. Please keep in mind that all of these approaches are considered workarounds and it may happen that Microsoft in the future provide the out-of-the-box solution

Missing the identity column attribute can be a bit annoying when building out dimensions, so Nikola provides a few tips on how to emulate this functionality.

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Tips for Orchestrating Fabric Notebooks

Stepan Resl talks orchestration:

Let’s start by introducing what orchestration is and why it’s important to talk about shared resources. Orchestration is a discipline focused on managing and coordinating individual items or control elements to collectively manage the flow of our data operations. In the context of Fabric, this involves managing notebooks, dataflows, pipelines, stored procedures, semantic model updates, and many other items, activities, and services that may even be outside of Fabric.

Read on for some of the options, how they work in Microsoft Fabric, and tips for success.

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Invoking a Fabric Data Factory Pipeline from a Parent Pipeline

Andy Leonard takes us through a design pattern:

In an earlier post, I demonstrated one way to build a basic parent-child design pattern in Fabric Data Factory by calling one pipeline (child) from another (parent). In this post, I modify the parent and child pipelines to demonstrate calling a child pipeline that contains a parameter. In this post, we will:

  • Clone and edit the child pipeline
  • Clone and edit the parent pipeline
  • Test

Read on to see how it works.

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