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Myths and Reality of Copilot for Power BI

Kurt Buhler puts together an essay:

However, recent months reveal rising skepticism, concern and possibly even disillusionment with generative AI tools, both from investors (especially from investors) and from the public. Despite the massive investment, enthusiasm, and promotion, these tools seem to be seeing limited adoption and aren’t yet showing the measurable value that fulfills their promises. And yet, paradoxically, many professionals will agree anecdotally that they use generative AI tools regularly, and that these tools seem to help them be more productive in certain tasks. Furthermore, there are concrete success stories where generative AI is bringing value, such as the models like the latest versions of Alphafold (from Google) and ESMfold (from Meta) that aid in protein folding for pharmaceutical companies more effectively find potential new drug candidates. So, who are these tools for, what problems do they solve, and how can we use them effectively? This is too big of a topic for even Bink and Bonk the Data Goblins to solve, so let’s narrow the focus, a bit.

This is a must-read, and Kurt even provides a de-goblinified PDF version for management.

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