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Analyzing the Game Wingspan

Dan Oehm builds a meta:

Wingspan is a great game even though I’ve only played it a few times. The mechanics are great, there are lots of bird varitions, and a bunch of different strategies to try. There are 170 birds, and I’ve probably only seen 30 of them. So, true to form, I’ve dabbled in a bit of data analysis to get a view of all the different types of cards in the game.

Open source wins again since the {wingspan} R package exists. It contains the details of each bird in the core, European, Oceania, and swift start sets. I’ll only be using the core set for this analysis since that’s the only one I’m semi familiar with.

Having not played the game before, Dan’s visuals drew me in. There’s also a regression analysis and discussion of the trade-off between in-game power versus victory points. H/T R-Bloggers.