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Day: August 13, 2024

Building a Microsoft Fabric AI Skill to Generate Data

Sandeep Pawar tries out AI Skills in Microsoft Fabric:

In the last blog I wrote, I showed how to call the AI Skills endpoint in a Fabric notebook. Being able to call the endpoint programmatically creates many opportunities to integrate AI Skills in different applications. One that I thought of was using AI Skills as a function. Function Calling or Tools is a specific use case in Gen AI to create structured output based on a function or behavior instructed by the user. I am not referring to that as AI Skills can only return a table. Instead, what if you created a number of these AI Skills that are grounded in your data with specific functions built to get the intended output? You could serve/share these with end users who can call these functions to generate data/results. Think of these as macros in Excel.

Click through for an example of how it works.

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Concurrent Index Creation in Postgres

Shayon Mukherjee recommends against a particular technique:

As a developer, you might have encountered situations where creating an index in PostgreSQL fails due to lock timeouts. In such scenarios, it’s tempting to use the IF NOT EXISTS as a quick fix and move on. However, this approach can lead to subtle and hard-to-debug issues in production environments.

Click through to learn more about how concurrent index creation works in Postgres and why the use of IF NOT EXISTS might not work the way you want.

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Highlighting a Single Data Point in Power BI

Kurt Buhler points something out:

Effective visualizations provide context so that you can interpret the numbers and what they mean to you. Is this number bad or is it good? This is particularly important for visuals that aim to provide a quick, 3-second overview, like cards, KPIs, and simple trendlines. You can provide context by comparing to a target, but if no target is available, you can also compare to a measure of central tendency, like the average or median. However, instead of comparing to an aggregate, you might also want to compare to other categories.

Consider the following example, which shows the desired end result for this article: a plot which highlights a selected value so that the user can compare it to all others. This example uses some DAX and formatting with a line chart and scatterplot to achieve the result of a joint plot atop a jitter plot. If you want to learn more about what a joint plot or a jitter plot is, we gave an overview of these and similar chart types in a previous article.

This is something I find frustratingly difficult with Power BI. Kurt does a great job of showing how to get there, but it seems like it should be a lot easier to do.

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Migrating an Azure Data Studio Connection List

Josephine Bush packs up and moves down the road:

I wanted to migrate some connections without recreating them and wondered how to do that in Azure Data Studio. It turns out to be easy. I post about whatever I’m working on, and here’s a short one for you today.

Read on to see how to do this on Windows and MacOS. But that leaves the most critical question: what about on Linux?

Linux follows the same pattern as Windows: File –> Preferences –> Settings, and then Data –> Connection.

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Thoughts on Start-DbaMigration in dbatools

Chad Callihan shares an experience:

It’s time to follow up on a post from a few months ago where I said I’d give my thoughts on Start-DbaMigration from dbatools after picking up more experience. Along with Start-DbaMigration I picked up some experience with Copy-DbaDatabase to migrate databases from one server to another. Below are some thoughts on the good and bad.

Read for Chad’s scenario and some of the good and the bad of Start-DbaMigration.

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Cosmos DB HTAP into Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft Fabric

Paul Hernandez doesn’t want to write ETL jobs:

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management and analytics, choosing the right tools and approaches is crucial for optimizing performance and achieving business goals. Two prominent solutions that have gained traction are Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB and Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric. Both offer unique benefits and cater to different needs, making it essential to understand their differences and use cases.

Read on to see how each of these works, as well as a quick demonstration of efficacy.

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Service Broker Blocking on DisableQ

Tom Zika is angling to become the Service Broker Baron:

I was paged about a blocking chain where the blocked resource was a Service Broker queue, the lead blocked transaction was called CSbRollbackHandlerTask::DisableQ, the lock mode was SCH-M and even lock partitioning was involved. I won’t repro fully this time, but I’ve covered lock partitioning repro in my post Async-stats-update-causing-blocking. The goal was to capture an instance of transaction CSbRollbackHandlerTask::DisableQ with the same lock mode.

Click through for a demo and how to troubleshoot the issue.

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