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Changing Distributions and Simpson’s Paradox

Jerry Tuttle describes a paradox:

So you spent hours, or maybe days, cranking out thousands of numbers, you submit it to your boss just at the deadline, your boss quickly peruses your exhibit of numbers, points to a single number and says, “This number doesn’t look right.” Bosses have an uncanny ability to do this.

      Your boss is pointing to something like this: Your company sells property insurance on both personal and commercial properties. The average personal property premium increased 10% in 2024. The average commercial property premium increased 10% in 2024. But you say the combined average property premium decreased 3% in 2024. You realize that negative 3% does not look right.

Although the blog post doesn’t explicitly mention Simpson’s paradox, I’d argue that this is a good example of the idea. H/T R-Bloggers.