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Troubleshooting Transactional Replication Latency in SQL Server

Bobirmirzo Arslanov has a two-parter around troubleshooting transactional replication latency issues. Part 1 looks at architecture and some of the distribution tables:

Before you dive into solving any issue, you need to fully understand the type of environment you have as there might have been changes you are unaware of. An easy way to do that is to run script  SQLServer/Script Replication Topology at master · sqlserver-parikh/SQLServer ( which gives output like below.

Part 2 digs in deeper:

If wait time is high compared to CPU time, check wait type and troubleshoot accordingly. For example, on the above example we faced MEMORY_ALLOCATION_EXT wait_type but duration is 0. So, we are not waiting.

If CPU time is higher, this means log thread is running but latency is being observed because you have high load.

Check out both posts. I’d really like to see a similar article for merge replication, as it’s a lot harder to troubleshoot.