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Day: June 28, 2024

Random Walks and Brownian Motion in healthyR.ts

Steven Sanderson goes for a walk on the stock exchange:

In the world of time series analysis, Random Walks, Brownian Motion, and Geometric Brownian Motion are fundamental concepts used in various fields, including finance, physics, and biology. Today, we’ll explore these concepts using functions from the healthyR.ts package.

Click through to learn about each of these concepts and some examples of how you can generate time series datasets following each of them.

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Random Date Generation in Python

Chris LaGreca spits out some dates:

I often work with time series data and find it useful to have a variety of ways to randomly generate dates. This particular example is great for evenly distributed date partitions. Running the script below with the default arguments will output a list of random dates, one for each month of the year.

It looks like this is generating based off of a uniform distribution, which probably makes the most sense for “give me a day of the month” data generation.

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Indexing for Deletion

Jared Westover needs to delete some rows:

In this article, we’ll examine the importance of indexes in improving DELETE statements. Also, many developers assume that adding a foreign key creates an index, which means they’re typically missing. How can you identify which foreign keys are missing indexes? Don’t worry. A handy DMV helps find them. Starting today, you’ll have the skills to make your DELETE statements faster.

Click through for the full post.

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A Reason to Avoid Database Chaining in SQL Server

Jeff Iannucci gives us the details:

SQL Server database ownership may seem like an insignificant concern, but choosing the wrong owner for your database can be a main contributor to security disasters like ransomware. Let’s talk a bit about how to choose an owner that doesn’t create a huge security vulnerability for you and your SQL Server instance.

(Note: this isn’t the same as being in the db_owner role, although we will look at that later in this post.)

Click through for more information. This is one of the big reasons to avoid cross-database ownership chaining or setting TRUSTWORTHY on any database. Jeff has another way of resolving this particular problem that works, but the best solution is not to use either of those features.

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