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Performing a Ping Sweep in Powershell

Vlad Drumea goes poking around:

This is a brief post containing a a piece of code that I use to do a ping sweep and resolve host names in PowerShell on a /24 subnet.

A /24 subnet refers to the last octet (segment of numbers) in an IP, and it ranges from 1 to 254.
This means that if you provide 100.100.100 to the $FirstThreeOctets variable, you’ll end up pinging every IP between and

This is where I say “Hey, go check out nmap.” I also say “Hey, don’t install nmap on your work machine unless you have explicit approval, so that you don’t get an unexpected visit from security.” Which is something I saw once and decided that wouldn’t be the life for me. But seriously, nmap is an extremely powerful network discovery tool.