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Month: March 2024


Erik Darling plays Descartes in his spare time:

Let’s talk about two of the most overlooked and undervalued facilities in the SQL language: EXISTS and NOT EXISTS. Perhaps they’d get more traction is they were called THERE and NOT THERE, but but it would be perilously easy to start confusing your WHERE and THERE clause.

Often besmirched by someone who read a blog post about MySQL in 1998 as “subqueries, which are slower than joins”, they’re two of the most useful things you can grasp and use regularly.

This post does a great job of explaining when you’d want to use EXISTS and NOT EXISTS.

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Get- cmdlets in dbatools Replication

Jess Pomfret continues a series on replication in dbatools:

This post will show off all the Get- commands that are available within dbatools for replication. When you’re using PowerShell, and especially if you’re new to PowerShell, exploring the Get- commands for a certain module, or area is a great way to get started. As it says in the name, these commands get information about something, they aren’t going to change anything, which means they are pretty safe to run in your environment. Of course, I’m always going to say, you should still run these in your test environment first to make sure you understand what they are doing, and how they behave in your specific environment.

Read on to see some of what you can do with it.

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Dynamic Subscriptions in Power BI

Reza Rad sends an e-mail:

If you ever want to have a general report for sales for all countries, and then you want every morning the report to be sent (as PDF or PowerPoint alongside the link to the report) to representatives of each country, the report with the data filtered for their country only, then Dynamic Subscription in Power BI is the feature you need to use. Previously, this was called a Data-Driven Subscription in SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services). In this article and video, I’ll explain how to use this feature using an example and what you need to know about it.

Click through for the video and blog post.

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Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers and fdw_tuple_cost

Umair Shahid provides background info on a recent change:

“Why is DEFAULT_FDW_TUPLE_COST so insanely low?”

That was the subject of the email thread initiated by David Rowley to discuss this topic. I found the subject line amusing, accurate, and fully descriptive of the problem at hand. The discussion resulted in a commit that changed the default value from 0.01 to 0.2. Because I had previously written about postgres_fdw and also mentioned fdw_tuple_cost, I figured it would be good to go deeper into what this parameter is about and why it makes sense to default it to 0.2.

Read on to learn more about Foreign Data Wrappers (the Postgres equivalent to PolyBase in SQL Server), tuple costing, and more.

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Microsoft Fabric and Semantic Models

Kurt Buhler has a choose-your-own-adventure story:

Semantic models are integral to Microsoft Fabric. They use and are used by many of the different workloads. In Fabric, there’s more items that can connect to and consume your model—such as semantic link in notebooks. Because of these new options and tools, your model is exposed to additional types of users who will use it in different ways. As such, it’s important that you make good models that you manage well throughout their entire lifecycle.

Read on for more information and three separate scenarios

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