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A Bayesian Approach to CATPCHAs

John Cook claims to be human:

I set up a GitHub account for a new employee this morning and spent a ridiculous amount of time proving that I’m human.

The captcha was to listen to three audio clips at a time and say which one contains bird sounds. This is a really clever test, because humans can tell the difference between real bird sounds and synthesized bird-like sounds. And we’re generally good at recognizing bird sounds even against a background of competing sounds. But some of these were ambiguous, and I had real birds chirping outside my window while I was doing the captcha.

You have to do 20 of these tests, and apparently you have to get all 20 right. I didn’t. So I tried again. On the last test I accidentally clicked the start-over button rather than the submit button. I wasn’t willing to listen to another 20 triples of audio clips, so I switched over to the visual captcha tests.

Read on to see how a Bayesian approach to the problem could make things a bit less annoying.