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The Proper Use of Views and Inline UDFs

Erik Darling plays tic-tac-toe:

The problem is really the stuff that people stick into views. They’re sort of like a junk drawer for data. Someone builds a view that returns a correct set of results, which becomes a source of truth. Then someone else comes along and uses that view in another view, because they know it returns the correct results, and so on and so on. Worse, views tend to do a bunch of data massaging, left joining and coalescing and substringing and replacing and case expressioning and converting things to other things. The bottom line is that views are as bad as you make them.

The end result is a trash monster with a query plan that can only be viewed in full from deep space.

Read on to learn the use cases for views and inline UDFs, as well as a few important notes regarding performance of each. Views are like mogwai: they’re fine as long as you never get them wet and never let them eat after midnight. The problem is, far too many companies are apparently the business equivalent of all-you-can-eat buffets at water parks.

Inline user-defined functions are like patenting a device that lets you shoot yourself in both feet with one pull of the trigger. Which, if I understand things correctly, means you’ll need a Form 4 for each inline UDF.