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Month: September 2023

Verifying a Backup in SQL Server

Chad Callihan knows your last backup is only as good as your last restore:

Is the process of testing your backups something you know you should do but never get around to? Do you find yourself assuming all is well with backups while putting out other fires? Test-DbaLastBackup, part of the beloved dbatools, can solve your dilemma.

There are many options available when using Test-DbaLastBackup. Let’s explore a few of these options and see some examples of how to use them.

Click through to learn more about this. And you could easily put together Powershell scripts to stagger your restorations over a time frame (such as, 15% of your databases each day, so that you get to 100% by the end of the week).

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An Introduction to R Markdown

Adrian Tam continues a series on R:

One reason people would like to use RStudio for their work is because of the R Markdown. This made the RStudio not only an IDE for programming in R, but also a notepad in which they could put down their thoughts with R code and results. In this post, you will learn how to use R Markdown. Specifically, you will learn

  • What is Markdown
  • How to use Markdown to create a technical document in RStudio

Click through to learn more. I’d also suggest diving into the docs for knitr.

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Multivariate Histograms in R

Steven Sanderson wants multiple breakdowns:

Histograms are powerful tools for visualizing the distribution of a single variable, but what if you want to compare the distributions of two variables side by side? In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create a histogram of two variables in R, a popular programming language for data analysis and visualization.

We’ll cover various scenarios, from basic histograms to more advanced techniques, and explain the code step by step in simple terms. So, grab your favorite dataset or generate some random data, and let’s dive into the world of dual-variable histograms!

Click through for several techniques.

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Power BI Shareable Cloud Connections and Multiple Connections

Chris Webb shows off an interesting aspect of a new feature:

A few weeks ago an important new feature for managing connections to data sources in the Power BI Service was released: Shareable Cloud Connections. You can read the blog post announcing them here. I won’t describe their functionality because the post already does that perfectly well; I want to focus on one thing in particular that is important for anyone using Power BI with Snowflake (and, I believe BigQuery and probably several other non-Microsoft sources): Shareable Cloud Connections allow you to have multiple connections to the same data source in the Power BI Service, each using different credentials.

Read on to see what Chris means and how you can take advantage of it.

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Alternatives to GREATEST and LEAST in SQL Server 2022

Drupal Grupal gives us alternatives:

If you haven’t already heard, SQL 2022 has introduced a new built-in system function called GREATEST. Simply put, it is to a set of columns, variables, expressions etc. what the MAX function is to a set of values (i.e., rows) of a single column or expression. The opposite of GREATEST function is LEAST function which returns the smallest value from the supplied list of columns, variables, constants etc. GREATEST & LEAST can be considered a pair, just as MIN/MAX functions are.

In other situations, GREATEST() and LEAST() are known as ARGMAX() and ARGMIN(), respectively.

Drupal shows us two alternatives to the built-in function and includes a performance comparison.

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Dueling Sequences for Positive and Negative Numbers

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz hears banjo music:

SQL Server’s INT data type, by design, provides a range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. But often, developers only utilize the positive range for primary keys and other identifier fields, effectively wasting half of its potential. What if we could harness this full range to temporarily extend the capacity of an INT column? In this article, we explore this idea in-depth.

I’m of two minds here. On the one hand, surrogate keys don’t have a meaning (by definition!), so it doesn’t really matter if that number is positive or negative. Also, including negative numbers makes sense when you expect the steady state table size to be above 2 billion but below 4 billion rows (assuming that you’re using an INT datatype), or you’ve found out that the steady state size is that big after the fact.

On the other hand, I don’t like having a caller define whether they want positive or negative values, as that now imbues meaning to the surrogate key, where positive keys mean one thing and negative keys mean another.

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Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse in a Database Project

Kevin Chant creates a database project:

In this post I want to cover how you can share a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse Database Project with the new target platform.

Which is now possible thanks to the latest Azure Data Studio Insiders update. You can view the ‘Add projects support for Fabric DW‘ pull request in the public azuredatastudio GitHub repository.

Kevin takes us through creating the database project in Azure Data Studio and then using Azure DevOps or Azure Data Studio to deploy it back out.

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Azure SQL Edge Update for September 2023

Kendal Van Dyke has an update for us:

The motivation behind these two updates is simple: we are listening to where and how our customers are using Azure SQL Edge.

In discussions with customers and hardware partners, we see that SQL Edge on AMD64 is the architecture of choice for production deployments and developers on Windows. SQL Edge on ARM64 has been primarily popular with developers writing SQL Server applications on Apple hardware with M1 and M2 chipsets because SQL Edge has, until recently, been the only version of SQL Server that will run in containers on Apple M1/M2 silicon.

There goes SQL Server on a Raspberry Pi.

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An Overview of Flink SQL

Martijn Visser continues a series on Kafka and Flink:

In the first two parts of our Inside Flink blog series, we explored the benefits of stream processing with Flink and common Flink use cases for which teams are choosing to leverage the popular framework to unlock the full potential of streaming. Specifically, we broke down the key reasons why developers are choosing Apache Flink® as their stream processing framework, as well as the ways in which they are putting it into practice. These range from streaming data pipelines to train ML models, to real-time inventory management in retail and predictive maintenance in manufacturing.

Next, we’ll dive into Flink SQL, which is a powerful data processing engine that allows developers to process and analyze large volumes of data in real time. We’ll cover how Flink SQL relates to the other Flink APIs and showcase some of its built-in functions and operations with syntax examples.

I’m naturally predisposed to blog posts which validate Feasel’s Law, so of course I was going to pick this one to recommend.

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ML with Keras and TensorFlow over Streaming Kafka Data

Paul Brebner gives us a streaming scenario for model training:

One of the goals of incremental learning is to train a model continuously from streaming data. Incremental learning from streaming data means you don’t need all the data in memory at once, and the model is as up-to-date as possible, which can matter for real-time use cases. The third driver for incremental learning that I mentioned in the previous blog is when there is concept drift in the data itself—but we’ll ignore this aspect for the time being. 

In the last blog we demonstrated batch training with TensorFlow, and mentioned that TensorFlow, being a neural network framework, has the potential for incremental learning—just like animals and people do. In this blog, we will set ourselves the task of using TensorFlow to demonstrate incremental learning from the same static drone delivery data set of busy/not busy shops that we used in the last blog. 

Read on to see the code, results, and warnings.

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