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Day: September 21, 2023

Grouped Scatter Plots in R

Steven Sanderson builds a scatter plot:

Data visualization is a powerful tool for gaining insights from your data. Scatter plots, in particular, are excellent for visualizing relationships between two continuous variables. But what if you want to compare multiple groups within your data? In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create engaging scatter plots by group in R. We’ll walk through the process step by step, providing several examples and explaining the code blocks in simple terms. So, whether you’re a data scientist, analyst, or just curious about R, let’s dive in and discover how to make your data come to life!

Click through for several examples of plot generation.

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ORMs and Mapping Requirements

Mark Seemann is not a big fan of Entity Framework:

When I evaluate whether or not to use an ORM in situations like these, the core application logic is my main design driver. As I describe in Code That Fits in Your Head, I usually develop (vertical) feature slices one at a time, utilising an outside-in TDD process, during which I also figure out how to save or retrieve data from persistent storage.

Thus, in systems like these, storage implementation is an artefact of the software architecture. If a relational database is involved, the schema must adhere to the needs of the code; not the other way around.

To be clear, then, this article doesn’t discuss typical CRUD-heavy applications that are mostly forms over relational data, with little or no application logic. If you’re working with such a code base, an ORM might be useful. I can’t really tell, since I last worked with such systems at a time when ORMs didn’t exist.

Read on for a thoughtful argument. The only critique I have is I’d prefer stored procedures over saving SQL queries in the code.

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Incremental Sort in Postgres

Umair Shahid takes us through the concept of incremental sort in PostgreSQL:

Incremental sort is a database optimization feature, introduced in PostgreSQL 13, that allows sorting to be done incrementally during the query execution process. Sorting is a common operation in database queries, often necessary when retrieving data in a specific order. PostgreSQL’s query planner uses incremental sort to improve query performance, particularly for large datasets. This feature is enabled by default in PostgreSQL 13 and above. 

Read on to see how it works and some good practices which help maximize the likelihood that you can take advantage of the feature.

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