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Day: November 3, 2022

Archival Tables in SQL Server

Aaron Bertrand starts a new series:

We all have one: the table that grows forever. Maybe it contains chat messages, post comments, or simple web traffic. Eventually, the table gets large enough that it becomes problematic – for example, users will notice that searches or updates take longer and longer as this massive, ever-growing table is scanned.

People often deal with this by archiving older data into a separate table. In this tip series, I’ll describe an archive table, explain why that solution carries its own set of problems, and show other potential ways to deal with data that grows indefinitely.

This is where we say, “Ah, if only Stretch DB had been priced approximately 1/100th of what it really was.” Stretch DB also had its own problems—especially if you ever needed to change the large table’s schema—but stay tuned for Aaron’s answers.

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GitHub CI/CD for Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022

Kevin Chant does a bit of CI/CD:

In this post I want to show how a GitHub CI/CD experience for Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022 can look. Which uses GitHub Actions. Including how to automatically stop and start it in the pipeline.

In my last post I showed a complete CI/CD experience for Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022 using Azure DevOps.

With this in mind, in this post I show an alternative GitHub CI/CD experience for Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022 which uses GitHub Actions. Which includes automatically stopping the link before the database update and starting it again after the update has completed.

Read on to learn how.

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SQL Server: Learning from Query Store

Grant Fritchey explains a second-order effect of Query Store:

I may have occasionally talked about the importance of Query Store, but today I want to emphasize just how much Microsoft is weaponizing query store.

Of course, I don’t mean they’re creating the Death Star or something, I simply mean they’re taking the information that Query Store gathers and using that to enable a number of new performance enhancements within SQL Server.

Grant shows several examples of how SQL Server can take data in Query Store and use it to make queries in that database faster. It took a few versions of SQL Server but we’re getting to see some of the long-run promise of the feature, now that most of the bugs have been ironed out and the SQL Server development team has had enough time to implement this functionality.

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Eitan Blumin reminds me of the bad old days:

Sometimes when trying to access a linked server, you’d get an error saying “Login failed for user NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON”. This happens because you’re connected using Windows authentication, and SQL Server fails to “forward” your credentials to the linked server.

This issue is often called “double-hop pass-through authentication”, also known as “Kerberos delegation“, which I’ll try to illustrate with the following diagram:

Eitan provides a helpful step-by-step guide to understanding not just how to fix the problem but also what concepts like SPNs really do.

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Refreshing Excel Data Model Tables via VBA

Chris Webb does some work in Excel:

Sometimes, when you’re analysing data, you need to be able to change variables and see what the impact is: for example you might want to see what your profit margin looks like if tax rates are set at different levels. Power BI’s what-if parameter feature can do this but it has the limitation that you can’t enter any value you like – you need to create a table containing all possible variable values in advance. The advantage the Excel Data Model/Power Pivot has over Power BI for this type of what-if analysis is that you have the Excel worksheet available, which is not only a place to display your report but which can also be used as a data source for tables in the Excel Data Model, making it easy for users to enter whatever variable they want. Up until recently, though, I assumed that if you were importing data from the worksheet into the Excel Data Model you would need to take some form of manual action, for example clicking a refresh button, to load the new data from the worksheet into the Excel Data Model when the data there changed. In this blog post I’ll show you how you can use VBA to solve this problem and build an elegant what-if analysis solution in Excel where no extra clicks are needed.

Read on for that demonstration.

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