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Data Profiling in Python

Brendan Tierney uses Python to look at some data:

One of the most common, and sometimes boring, task when working with datasets is writing some code to profile the data. Most data scientists will have built a set of tools/scripts to help them with this regular and slightly boring task. As with most IT tasks we should be trying to automate what we can, to allow us to spend more time on more important tasks, such as deriving insights and delivering value to the business, instead of repeatedly writing code to produce various statistics about the data and drawing pretty pictures.

I’ve written previously about automating and using some data profiling libraries to help us with this task. There are lots of packages available on pypi.og and on GitHub. Below I give examples of 5 Python Data Profiling libraries, with links to their GitHubs.

Brendan includes some good examples of libraries here so check it out.