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Query Store Checks in dbatools

Jess Pomfret contributes to dbatools:

Once I was happy with my settings, I realised we were missing a ‘test’ command for dbatools. The suite of ‘test’ functions in dbatools (a lot that end up as checks in dbachecks btw!), give us an easy way to check our environment against best practices, or our desired settings.

Since dbatools is open-source I was able to write this function (Test-DbaDbQueryStore) and get it added into the module. It’s included as of version 1.0.131, so make sure you’re up to date.  Taking Erin’s suggestions and wrapping them in a little PowerShell, I can make it easier for myself and everyone else to make sure we’re following her guidelines.

Click through to see what those settings look like and how you can compare against current settings.