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Downloading Power BI Reports from a Workspace

Shabnam Watson has a helpful script for us:

You can use PowerShell to download all of your PBI reports in a workspace all at once without having to go through the PBI service UI one at a time. As an added bonus, you may notice that downloading a report with PowerShell is faster that downloading it through the PBI Service UI.

This script is useful for admins to take backups of reports deployed to PBI Service. It can be easily extended to loop through all/several workspaces. It is also useful for developers to take a backup of their report before publishing a new version.

Click through for the script.


  1. pablo antonio escobar
    pablo antonio escobar2020-10-18

    Hi, i will appreciated your powerwhell script and I have no doubt that it will be very helpful.
    Thanks in advance.

    • Kevin Feasel
      Kevin Feasel2020-10-19

      Hi, Pablo. The link at the top of the post leads to Shabnam’s website, and that’s where the Powershell script is.

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