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Baselining SQL Server with Grafana

Ajay Dwivedi has an interesting project:

Are you tired of not knowing what is usual workload of your server? Do you want to know what is speed of your server?

If you are a developer or DBA who manages Microsoft SQL Servers, it becomes important to understand the current load vs usual load when SQL Server is slow.

Recently, for this reason, I have been working on my own automation to capture performance counters that would help me get an idea of CPU/Memory/IO/Network issues. Baselining also lets me know if the Server load has increased gradually over time.

I have created GitHub repository ‘SqlServer-Baselining-Grafana’ that contains all the scripts that will help anyone to set up the baseline on individual SQL Server instances, and then visualize the collected data using Grafana through one Inventory server with Linked Server for individual SQL Server instances.

Baselining is one of those concepts we often talk about but just as often have trouble implementing.