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E-mailing Query Results via Logic Apps + Azure Data Factory

Rayis Imayev has to send an e-mail:

It is a very simple concept, you have a database query result, either a direct database table output or a stored procedure returned result that needs to be sent as email notification. This email could serve as a status report of your daily data processing job or alert notification with some metrics that require immediate attention, and you want to be as user-friendly as possible with this message aka HTML format for your dataset is required.

I’ve built this solution approach over a year go and wanted to document and share it after recently using it in one of my projects. Again, I agree, there other more or less effective ways to achieve the very same goal, this blog post is just a recollection of my efforts to send HTML formatted SQL query results using Azure Data Factory and Logic App.

It’s a bit more effort than sp_send_dbmail, though also considerably more flexible.