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Generating SQL Server Data Tools Solutions from Templates

Sander Stad walks us through creating a template for building SSDT solutions:

Yes, templates. But how are we’re going to create a template for an SSDT solution in such a way that it can be reused?

That’s where the PowerShell module called “PSModuleDevelopment” comes in. PSModuleDevelopment is part of the PSFramework PowerShell module.

The PSModuleDevelopment module enables you to create templates for files but also entire directories. Using placeholders you can replace values in the template making is possible to have the name and other variables set.

This is where the SSDT template comes in. I have created a template for SSDT that containes two projects. One project is meant for the data model and the other project is meant for the unit tests.

Read the whole thing and check out Sander’s GitHub repo.