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Migrating from Azure SQL DB to an Azure SQL Managed Instance

Eitan Blumin walks us through the process of moving from Azure SQL Database to an Azure SQL Managed Instance:

What we cannot do:

– You cannot backup and restore from Azure SQL DB to a Managed Instance.
– You cannot use Azure SQL DB as a source in Azure Data Migration Service (DMS).
– You cannot use Azure SQL DB as a source in Data Migration Assistant (DMA).
– You cannot use Azure SQL DB as a source in DB Mirroring, AlwaysOn, Transaction Log Shipping, or Replication.
– Implementing a custom T-SQL, SSIS, or ADF (Azure Data Factory) solution will be too complicated, and will require an unacceptable development overhead.

That last one is a bit iffy, though Eitan’s two solutions are going to be easier than a custom solution.