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Finding Query Store’s Server Impact

Tracy Boggiano shows us how to track the performance impact of Query Store on an environment:

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday blogging party is brought to you well by me and I wanted to talk more about Query Store.  I did write a book on it but there if still more to know about that is not in the book.  I am sure the rest of everyone’s posts will prove enlightening and provide valuable content for folks using or looking to implement Query Store.  Someone should have told Grant to hold off a week on his post about DROP / CREATE of procedures and what happens with plan forcing so it could officially be part of the party.

I frequently get asked while presenting about the impact of running Query Store on the instance and one thing that was not in the book was the performance counters that were added to help track just that.

You should probably buy a bunch of copies of Tracy’s book. Just in case.