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Resizing the SSMS Grid Results

Kenneth Fisher shows how you can resize SQL Server Management Studio’s results grid:

After my post last month about configuring your tools I’ve been on a make my life easier kick and one of the things that gives me grief every day is that my eyesight is at best mediocre and some days it’s worse than others. (I have issues. No, not just those issues, issues that effect my eye sight.) I’m in SSMS 90% of my day or more so it really helps that it’s easy to zoom in and out on the query window, and even the message results pane. There is a little box with a percentage in the bottom left corner of each of the two panes. This controls the font size of that pane.

This is also helpful if you ever present using SSMS and don’t have a strong grasp of Zoom-It or the magnifier app.