Aaron Bertrand compares columnstore and page compression on a specific table:
Recently someone at work asked for more space to accommodate a rapidly growing table. At the time it had 3.75 billion rows, presented on 143 million pages, and occupying ~1.14TB. Of course we can always throw more disk at a table, but I wanted to see if we could scale this more efficiently than the current linear trend. Sounds like a great job for compression, right? But I also wanted to try out some other solutions, including columnstore – which people are surprisingly reluctant to try. I am no Niko, but I wanted to make an effort to see what it could do for us here.
Note that I am not focusing on reporting workload or other read query performance at this time – I merely want to see what impact I can have on storage (and memory) footprint of this data.
Here is the original table. I’ve changed table and column names to protect the innocent, but everything else is relatively accurate.
Page compression won, and I’ve got a pretty good idea why (though some of the diagnostic info is gone): Aaron has several VARCHAR
columns, and those blow up the columnstore dictionary pretty fast. Aaron has more to go in this series, so stay tuned.