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Hammering Azure SQL DB

John Morehouse shows how we can configure HammerDB to run against Azure SQL Database:

Bench marking your environment is an important step when introducing new hardware, which is accomplished by running a test workload against the hardware.    There are multiple ways to accomplish this to get  SQL Server performance data  One of these methods is using HammerDB, which is a free tool that provides TPC standard bench marking metrics for multiple database systems, including Microsoft SQL Server.  These metrics are an industry standard and are defined by the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC).  The results from bench marking will help you to ensure that the new infrastructure will be able to support the expected workload.

Azure introduces ways to quickly implement new hardware.  However, if the Azure environment isn’t setup correctly, you can introduce issues that could potentially degrade performance.  Thankfully, HammerDB is Azure aware which allows you to easily benchmark your cloud environment.

HammerDB isn’t as good as having your own perfectly-created set of scripts which exactly replicate your environment, but I’ve never seen an environment with one of those.