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R User Salaries By Country

Capri Granville shares a chart showing a box plot of salaries for professional R users by country:

Interesting analysis done in R, about salaries of R developers broken down by country, featuring salary range and median salary. 

The dataset consists of survey answers from nearly 90,000 respondents. About 5,000 of them reported using R for “extensive development work over the past year”. The first filter used reduces the dataset from 88,883 respondents to 5,048. The second filter excludes students, hobby programmers and former developers. This reduces the dataset to 4,047 respondents. The third filter excludes unemployed and retired respondents and the dataset is further reduced to 3,871 respondents. Finally, we exclude respondents from an unknown country and respondents with unknown or zero salary.

Check out Tomaz Weiss’s detailed post which dives into these numbers for United States respondents.