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Creating Containers and Volumes

Grant Fritchey continues a dive into containers. First up is running a Docker container:

Let’s break this down a bit so you know what you just did. The two ‘-e’ statements are setting environment variables. The first is accepting Microsoft’s end user license agreement, EULA. The second is setting the SA password. By default, we’re running a Developer Edition of SQL Server here. If you want to, you can change to a version that you have a specific license for using the MSSQL_PID environment variable. Documentation for that is located here.

Next is using volumes:

Now, let’s create a new container, but, let’s use the same volume:
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' ` -e 'SA_PASSWORD=$cthulhu1988' ` -p 1450:1433 ` --name DockerDemo19 ` -v sqlvol:/var/opt/mssql ` -d

What happens next is marvelous. 

It’s an exciting time to get into containers and if you’re feeling a little trepidatious, they’re containers—the worst thing you can do is mess one up and then you just blow it away and start over.