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Defining TF-IDF

Bruno Stecanella explains the concept behind TF-IDF:

TF-IDF was invented for document search and information retrieval. It works by increasing proportionally to the number of times a word appears in a document, but is offset by the number of documents that contain the word. So, words that are common in every document, such as this, what, and if, rank low even though they may appear many times, since they don’t mean much to that document in particular.

However, if the word Bug appears many times in a document, while not appearing many times in others, it probably means that it’s very relevant. For example, if what we’re doing is trying to find out which topics some NPS responses belong to, the word Bug would probably end up being tied to the topic Reliability, since most responses containing that word would be about that topic.

This makes the technique useful for natural language processing, especially in classification problems.