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Syncing Google Calendar and Outlook with Microsoft Flow

Eugene Meidinger shows how to keep a couple of calendars in sync:

Back when I worked a normal job, I had two calendars: Office 365 for work and Google for home. Now that I work for myself, that’s a lot more complicated. Sometimes a customer will create an account for me in their network. Sometimes I’ll partner with other consultants and work as part of their team. And of course, I’ve got my own work email at

I need all of these calendars to consolidate to one place. My natural inclination and personal preference is to put it all into Google. Now, there are sync apps available, but this sort of problem is a perfect use case. A calendar event is created in outlook, a flow is triggered, and that information is transferred to Google.

I was just complaining about this yesterday and then I see the post this morning. I’m pleased though simultaneously concerned that Eugene has bugged my hotel room.