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When Inline UDFs are Slower

Brent Ozar has been digging deep into new functionality in SQL Server 2019:

In the Froid white paper, Microsoft talked about how they were working on fixing the function problem. When I read that white paper, my mind absolutely reeled – it’s awesome work, and I love working with a database doing that kind of cool stuff. Now that 2019 is getting closer to release, I’ve been spending more time with it. Most of the time, it works phenomenally well, and it’s the kind of improvement that will drive adoption to SQL Server 2019. Here, though, I’ve specifically picked a query that runs worse only to show you that not every query will be better.
To activate Froid, just switch the compatibility level to 150 (2019), and the query runs in 1 minute, 45 seconds, or almost twice as slow. Dig into the actual plan to understand why?

Read on to learn why.