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Bugs and Pitfalls with Non-Determinism

Itzik Ben-Gan has started a new series on T-SQL bugs, pitfalls, and best practices. The first post in this series is on non-deterministic behavior:

A nondeterministic function is a function that given the same inputs, can return different results in different executions of the function. Classic examples are SYSDATETIME, NEWID, and RAND (when invoked without an input seed). The behavior of nondeterministic functions in T-SQL can be surprising to some, and could result in bugs and pitfalls in some cases.

Many people assume that when you invoke a nondeterministic function as part of a query, the function gets evaluated separately per row. In practice, most nondeterministic functions get evaluated once per reference in the query. 

This is the start to a great series.