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Jonathan Kehayias has an interesting article on generating SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD waits due to CPU over-subscription on the host:

The test environment that I used for this is a portable lab I’ve used for demos for VM content over the last eight years teaching our Immersion Events. The ESX host has 4 cores and 8GB RAM and hosts three virtual machines, a 4vCPU SQL Server with 4GB RAM, and two 2vCPU Windows Server VM’s with 2GB RAM that are used strictly to run Geekbench to produce load.  Within SQL Server, I a reproducible workload that drives parallelism and is repeatable consistently, that I have also used for years in teaching classes.
For the tests, I first ran a baseline where the SQL Server VM is the only machine executing any tasks/workload at all, but the other VMs are powered on and just sitting there on the hose.  This establishes a base metric in the host and had 1% RDY time average during the workload execution, after which I collected the wait stats for SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD.

From there, Jonathan starts cranking up the load on the application servers and sees what it does to SQL Server ready time. This is a great reason not to over-subscribe on CPUs on mission-critical hosts.