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Inactive Relationships In Power BI

Reza Rad explains the value of inactive relationships and shows how you can implement this in Power BI:

As you can see this new type of relationship is different. It is dashed line, compared to the active, which was a solid line. This is an inactive relationship. You can only have one active relationship between two tables. Any other relationships will become inactive.

An inactive relationship doesn’t pass filtering. It doesn’t do anything by itself. I still see many people creating inactive relationships in their model thinking that just the inactive relationship by itself will do some filtering. It doesn’t. If I use the FullDateAlternateKey from the DimDate table to slice and dice the SalesAmount from the FactInternetSales table, which field I’m filtering based on? The field that is related through an Active relationship of course. Here is a result for that (which is apparently same as what you have seen in the previous example because the inactive relationship doesn’t do anything. It is just the active relationship that passes the filter);

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