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Converting Binary To Hex With T-SQL

Dave Mason uses STRING_SPLIT to convert binary values to their hex equivalents:

I started pondering it for a bit and began to wonder if I could use the new for SQL Server 2016 STRING_SPLIT function to convert a binary string to decimal. The thought process was to split the string into rows of CHAR(1) values, along with an in-string character position. Then I could take the “1” values, calculate the 2ᵡ value, and sum them up for a decimal value.

I quickly realized I’d need to reverse the binary string. I also discovered the STRING_SPLIT function eliminated 0’s adjacent to 1’s. I don’t have much use for this code at the moment, but maybe there’s something here that you can take away.

Given some of the issues Dave ran into, it seems that a tally table-based solution might be a better choice.