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Stoppable, Async Shiny Interfaces

Ian at Fells Stats wants to make a long-running Shiny app a bit more user-friendly:

Shiny operates in a reactive programming framework. Fundamentally this means that any time any UI element that affects the result changes, so does the result. This happens automatically, with your analysis code running every time a widget is changed. In a lot of cases, this is exactly what you want and it makes Shiny programs concise and easy to make; however in the case of long running processes, this can lead to frozen UI elements and a frustrating user experience.

The easiest solution is to use an Action Button and only run the analysis code when the action button is clicked. Another important component is to provide your user with feedback as to how long the analysis is going to take. Shiny has nice built in progress indicators that allow you to do this.

There are a couple of false starts in there but by the time you reach the third act, the story makes sense.  H/T R-Bloggers