Slava Murygin walks us through an ugly-looking error with an easy fix:
There are probably a lot of SSIS corruption errors, but that is one that is very easy to solve.
The whole error message is texted like this:
Script Task:Error: The Script Task is corrupted. Script Task:Error: There were errors during task validation. Script Task:Error: There was an exception while loading Script Task from XML: System.Exception: The Script Task “ST_74aca886806a416fa34ae89cac6237c2” uses version 15.0 script that is not supported in this release of Integration Services. To run the package, use the Script Task to create a new VSTA script. In most cases, scripts are converted automatically to use a supported version, when you open a SQL Server Integration Services package in %SQL_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME% Integration Services. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.ScriptTask.LoadFromXML(XmlElement elemProj, IDTSInfoEvents events) That error came from an execution of SSIS package and it points that particular Script task is corrupted.
It is very confusing, because if you try to run the same package in the Visual Studio everything will be fine:
I’d consider the initial error that “The Script Task is corrupted.” to be a bad error message. The longer description is helpful and explains the problem, but the word “corruption” has a certain scary connotation to DBAs and tossing it around when you really mean to say “Fix your target version” is unhelpful.