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Index That Column Or Include It?

Jeanne Combrinck lays out her recommendations on whether to make a particular column part of an index or have it be an included column:

The original question we wanted to answer was whether we would see a performance difference when a query used the index with all columns in the key, versus the index with most of the columns included in the leaf level. In our first set of tests there was no difference, but in our third and fourth tests there was. It ultimately depends on the query. We only looked at two variations – one had an additional predicate, the other had an ORDER BY – many more exist.

What developers and DBAs need to understand is that there are some great benefits to including columns in an index, but they will not always perform the same as indexes that have all columns in the key. It may be tempting to move columns that are not part of predicates and joins out of the key, and just include them, to reduce the overall size of the index. However, in some cases this requires more resources for query execution and may degrade performance. The degradation may be insignificant; it may not be…you will not know until you test. Therefore, when designing an index, it’s important to think about the columns after the leading one – and understand whether they need to be part of the key (e.g. because keeping the data ordered will provide benefit) or if they can serve their purpose as included columns.

Read the whole thing and be willing to test different approaches.