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Running ssisUnit In MSTest

Bartosz Ratajczyk shows how to convert ssisUnit tests to work with the NUnit or MSTest frameworks:

MSTest v2 is the open source test framework by Microsoft. I will not write a lot about it. If you want to learn more – read the excellent blog posts by Gérald Barré.

I took the idea and parts of the code from Ravi Palihena’s blog post about ssisUnit testing and his GitHub repository. Then I read the source code of the SsisUnitTestRunnerSsisUnitTestRunnerUI and posts by Gérald and changed the tests a bit.

I will use MSTest to execute ssisUnit tests from the file 20_DataFlow.ssisUnit. For that, I created a new Visual C# > Test > Unit Test Project (.NET Framework) – ssisUnitLearning.MSTest – within the solution. I also set the reference to the SsisUnit2017.dll and SsisUnitBase.dll libraries and loaded required namespaces

Bartosz gives us the initial walkthrough, and then builds a T4 template to automate the task.  You can grab that template on his GitHub repo, and hopefully something makes its way into ssisUnit to make integration with NUnit / MSTest official.