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Playing Blackjack With Power BI

Phillip Seamark goes and creates a blackjack game in Power BI:

The last of the three data-tables in the model used to control Player 1 is the ‘P1 Turn’ data-table.  This is simply a 10-row single column table with numbers 1 through 10.  The purpose of this table is to use in conjunction with a slicer that will help keep track of what turn Player 1 is up to.  A series of 5 bookmarks will be used to snapshot a slicer selected in 5 different states.  A series of bookmarks will be taken with this slicer having a different value selected which is how the game can keep track of the progress through the game.

A [P1 Card Filter] calculated measure keeps track of the selected value over the above slicer which is used as a filter on the table-visual that is used to reveal cards for Player 1.

It’s more a toy solution than an actual game, but it’s interesting to see.